References to the European Patent Convention
Jelle Hoekstra


The References to the European Patent Convention aims to assist practising patent attorneys and students for the European Qualifying Examination in quickly identifying and locating items relating to a particular article or rule of the EPC.

In addition to covering the EPC, the annexes of the book contain a compilation of exam material not, or not yet, incorporated in books published by the EPO.

The book is printed in one paperback volume covering the main book and the annexes; a total of almost 1500 A4 pages. 

Main part
The main part, of over 1000 pages, includes the full text of the EPC. The Articles are listed in sequence, with the Rules inserted at the appropriate places. Most chapters of the Guidelines are almost fully covered, just as a large set of selected Ancillary Regulations to the European Patent Convention. The main part of the book further includes an annotated version of the Rules Relating to Fees, Arrangements for Deposit Accounts and Automatic Debiting Procedure and an annotated version of the "Euro-PCT Guide: PCT Procedure at the EPO". Many flow-charts and tables are used to give a quick overview of the legal structure, the processes, acts to perform, fees to pay, and available remedies.

For each article and rule, references are given to:

  • The articles and rules of the EPC.
  • Sections of the "Guidelines for Examination in the European Patent Office"
  • The "Ancillary Regulations to the European Patent Convention"
  • Selected decisions of the (Enlarged)  Boards of Appeal
  • The "National Law relating to the EPC"
The book includes eight annexes. 
  1. Headnotes of all decisions of the Enlarged Board and selected landmark decisions of the Boards of Appeal
  2. Recently published Ancillary Regulations (if not covered in the main book), and a thorough overview of which Ancillary Regulations are still in force
  3. Selected relevant treaties
  4. Transitional provisions from EPC1973 to EPC2000
  5. Calendar tool
  6. Six detailed concordance tables showing the mapping of articles and rules from EPC1973 to EPC2000 and vice versa
  7. Index to the rules and articles
  8. Coverage of the Guidelines

Rules for deliveries in the UK can be found here.
References to the European Patent Convention

€ 142,00 ( + 9% VAT = € 154,78)
October 2024 edition (EQE 2025) 

Ed. EQE 2026 will be available October 2025
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