Analysis and Model Solutions for Paper D

DeltaPatents' tutors have developed for all exam papers very detailed and thorough Analysis and Model Solutions. The Model Solutions provide the correct answer to the respective papers as well as a structured methodology for finding the answer.
New versions of the papers and model solutions will be available as of July 2024, updated for the legal provisions as valid on 31 October 2024, i.e. the relevant legal texts for EQE 2025 (as far as known at the time of printing in July 2024), including the recent law changes to the EPC and PCT Rules, other OJ publications, ADA/AAD2024 (as in force per 1/4/2024), recent case law, the EPO Guidelines of March 2024, the Guidelines for Search and Examination at the EPO as PCT Authority of March 2024, the PCT Applicant’s Guide status July 2024, and the Euro-PCT Guide edition 2024. Until the new versions are available, you can still order the earlier versions, updated for EQE 2024.

The model solution of D 2024 (Harvesting silk) will become available after the meeting between the EQE Committees and tutors (scheduled late October), so presumably early-mid November.

As candidates need to take the exam from the screen, we will also provide the adapted D paper in pdf form to the candidates that buy a model solution, so that they can practice taking the exam from the screen (may copy text from the on-screen pdf into their editor if they so wish or highlight words in the pdf in a suitable pdf viewer).

Model solutions of the following papers are available :

Paper D 2015 Printing Machines
Paper D 2016 Coffee Capsules
Paper D 2017 Metal Beams
Paper D 2018 Oliebollen
Paper D 2019 Shoe Soles
Paper D 2021 Springy leashes
Paper D 2022 Recycling machines
Paper D 2023 Nappies
Paper D 2024Harvesting silk

For the EQE 2025, you can order 2 packages of Paper D model solutions (buy 4, pay 3):
  • Set 1-EQE2025: Model solutions 2015 - 2016 - 2017 - 2018: € 180 (excl. 9% VAT; EQE 2025 edition, available July 2024)
  • Set 2-EQE2025: Model solutions 2019 - 2021 - 2022 - 2023: € 180 (excl. 9% VAT; EQE 2025 edition, available July 2024)
  • Model solution Paper D 2024 (available from late October/early November)

Please note that since Brexit rules for delivery to the UK have changed. Click here for more information.
Analysis/Model Solution DI and DII

€ 180,00 ( + 9% VAT = € 190,80)

EQE 2025 ed. expected to be available end of July 2024
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